Helsinki-London-San Fransisco-Hong Kong-Taipei-Taiwan(Kenting, Pingxi, Daxi, Hualien, Wai'ao, Guanxi...)-Taipei-Japan (Tokyo, Yokohama, Enoshima, Kamakura, Kyoto)-Taipei-Seoul-Taipei-El Nido, The Philippines-Taipei-Singapore-Taipei-Penghu-Taipei-Jiufen-and the journey continues..

perjantai 24. toukokuuta 2013

Singapore, part 5: Singapore Flyer

Welcome to Singapore!

Climb in! 


Were river meets sea.


A few cables

Muutama laiva odottaa satamaan pääsyä

The map of where to look

At the top!

Safely on ground level again

The museum up close.

LV had the best location in town.

Pikkuinen ja hyvin rähjäinen ostoskeskus...?

Lopetan jälleen kukkasiin!

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