Helsinki-London-San Fransisco-Hong Kong-Taipei-Taiwan(Kenting, Pingxi, Daxi, Hualien, Wai'ao, Guanxi...)-Taipei-Japan (Tokyo, Yokohama, Enoshima, Kamakura, Kyoto)-Taipei-Seoul-Taipei-El Nido, The Philippines-Taipei-Singapore-Taipei-Penghu-Taipei-Jiufen-and the journey continues..

tiistai 14. toukokuuta 2013

Filippiinit, part 5: The Last Sunset

So on the island we went into a cave!

It was beautiful!

The entrance was....tricky. And small.

Snake island.

Home beach & our last sun set about to start

Our boat driver Jesse and his darling little girl!

If you painted the sky which colors would you use?

Orange, yellow, gold, brown, black, red, white... would you pick those?

Or go for blue, grey, purple, beige, green instead?

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