Helsinki-London-San Fransisco-Hong Kong-Taipei-Taiwan(Kenting, Pingxi, Daxi, Hualien, Wai'ao, Guanxi...)-Taipei-Japan (Tokyo, Yokohama, Enoshima, Kamakura, Kyoto)-Taipei-Seoul-Taipei-El Nido, The Philippines-Taipei-Singapore-Taipei-Penghu-Taipei-Jiufen-and the journey continues..

keskiviikko 8. toukokuuta 2013

Filippiinit, part 1: Trip to Paradise

Very personal service as everyone wanted to see our passports from France, the States and Finland.

The trip was looooooooong, so we needed a nap.

Putting the stuff on the roof so the people could fit inside

Journey's end!

Getting to know El Nido!

Playing around!

The beach!

Nice, eh?

Sun starting to go down

No photo shop needed!


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