Helsinki-London-San Fransisco-Hong Kong-Taipei-Taiwan(Kenting, Pingxi, Daxi, Hualien, Wai'ao, Guanxi...)-Taipei-Japan (Tokyo, Yokohama, Enoshima, Kamakura, Kyoto)-Taipei-Seoul-Taipei-El Nido, The Philippines-Taipei-Singapore-Taipei-Penghu-Taipei-Jiufen-and the journey continues..

keskiviikko 22. toukokuuta 2013

Singapore, part 2: Getting to know the city

 Tällainen talo Helsinkiin? Ei koskaaaaaan menisi läpi!
Eikä kyllä varmaan tämäkään..

Ei voi erehtyä rakennuksesta! Sen verran selvästi merkitty :)
Flowers! Everywhere!

Looking at the city

Happy Hearts Love Green!


Marina Bay Sands Hotel from the other side of the marina

Munankuori vai taidemuseo? Kiasma ain't got nothing!


Even the bridge was designed well!

The next time I come to Singapore I'll be staying here.
So... it might take a while before I can go again!

Spring is here!

China town


The message was very clear.

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