Helsinki-London-San Fransisco-Hong Kong-Taipei-Taiwan(Kenting, Pingxi, Daxi, Hualien, Wai'ao, Guanxi...)-Taipei-Japan (Tokyo, Yokohama, Enoshima, Kamakura, Kyoto)-Taipei-Seoul-Taipei-El Nido, The Philippines-Taipei-Singapore-Taipei-Penghu-Taipei-Jiufen-and the journey continues..

maanantai 18. helmikuuta 2013

First day of school

Stacey at the Main Library

The Law Building

A few bikes!

"terveellinen" lounas

Mun hoodit (btw, pyöräily on pop)

It's nice and warm!

Campuksen "järvi", jonka nimi on Drunken Moon Lake.. tarina ei kerro,
mistä nimi tulee..

Matkalla oikikseen on Pennylane

Muistakaa lapset suojautua auringolta!

The traffic dude at the campus gate!

Yep, this is where you study law!

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